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Call for Project Proposals: Regional Grants to Strengthen Social and Economic Rights for Vulnerable Foreigners in the Western Balkans

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The call for project proposals regional grants to strengthen social and economic rights for vulnerable foreigners in the western Balkans published on November 1, 2024 is canceled due to condition/eligibility amendment of the guidelines for the call for proposals. As a result, a new call for proposals will be relaunched.

The Inclusion of Foreigners in the Western Balkans – Access to Social and Economic Rights (FOSTER) project, with the support of the European Union’s Civil Society Facility and Media Programme, is announcing a formal call for project proposals for regional grants to strengthen social and economic rights for vulnerable foreigners in the Western Balkans.

Despite legislative advancements that align with EU standards, significant challenges remain in ensuring equitable access to fundamental rights, particularly for marginalized communities and foreign nationals. As migration within the Western Balkans region increases, civil society organizations (CSOs) play a vital role in supporting the integration of these individuals. The FOSTER project, a collaboration among seven CSOs affiliated with the Balkan Refugees and Migration Council (BRMC) and the Danish Refugee Council (DRC), aims to strengthen CSOs’ capacities to address these challenges effectively and sustainably.

Eligible CSOs operating in the Western Balkans (Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo*, Montenegro, North Macedonia or Serbia) are invited to submit proposals that focus on building inclusive support systems, advancing access to essential social and economic rights, and fostering sustainable regional development through integration initiatives for foreigners.

DEADLINE FOR APPLICATIONS: 29 November 2024 at 23:59 CET

An INFO SESSION on the selection process regarding the implementation, financial monitoring of the project and reporting will be organized online on 14 November 2024 at 10:00h.

Microsoft Teams link:

Join the meeting now

Meeting ID: 324 200 883 697

Passcode: iHSmch

Further details and documents regarding the application process and eligibility requirements can be accessed at:

Call for Project Proposals Foster

Guidelines for Applicants

Application form_Annex A

Budget form_Annex B

FIF Annex C

Mandate CoApplicant_Annex D


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