Discrimination is any action that causes unequal treatment, which is not legitimately and proportionately founded, in a way that is based on certain personal features (discriminatory grounds) a certain person or a certain group is excluded, restricted or given priority in exercising fundamental rights and freedoms.
Our activities
Macedonian Association of Young Lawyers has been active the protection against discrimination since 2009- after issuing a report on the necessity to adopt a Law on Protection against Discrimination, and thereafter its adoption, in providing legal aid and building a positive case law based on strategic advocacy and litigation for potential victims of discrimination before the authorities of competent jurisdiction and public awareness-raising activities. In 2014, we won the case whereby they received the first court ruling in the country establishing discrimination pursuant to the Law on Prevention and Protection against Discrimination. The same year, MYLA won a a second court ruling in the country was rendered, whereby discrimination in the field of labor relations was established for the first time.