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Македонско здружение на млади правници
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Human Trafficking

Human trafficking is a serious form of violation of human rights and freedoms and mostly affects the most vulnerable categories. MYLA is committed to the identification and legal protection of victims with full regard for human rights.


Our activities:


By Decision of the Ministry of Labor and Social Policy from March 2018, the Macedonian Young Lawyers Association is part of 4 mobile teams to identify vulnerable categories of citizens, including victims of human trafficking in Bitola, Kumanovo, Gevgelija and Tetovo.


The mobile teams include representatives of the Centers for Social Work, representatives of the Ministry of Interior – the national unit for combating trafficking in human beings and citizens’ associations.


From March 2018 to December 2019, within the Mobile Anti-Trafficking Teams, MYLA provided legal assistance and counseling to 6 victims of human trafficking, 127 potential victims of human trafficking and 537 vulnerable categories of citizens.


In addition, MYLA is dedicated to preventing and raising awareness of human trafficking in North Macedonia. Our activities include informative sessions and events related to human trafficking, as well as conferences on this topic. So far, specific campaigns have been developed for the issue of human trafficking, cyber trafficking in children, seasonal work, human trafficking in children with disabilities, etc. The campaigns are available at the following link.


More about human trafficking is available on the MYLA website intended for raising public awareness at SAY STOP!



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