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“Strengthening Local Actors in Refugee Integration in Macedonia”- achieved results

Project “Strengthening Local Actors in Refugee Integration in Macedonia”

The project implementation started ob January 1st 2017 in 3 pilot municipalities – Municipality of Kumanovo, Municipality of Butel and Municipality of Gevgelija.

The project’s achieved results are:

  • Three individual assessments were prepared for each of the pilot municipalities for the implementation of the upcoming Strategy for Integration of Refugees and Foreigners. The assessments were discussed and prepared in cooperation with the municipalities during round tables organized with the municipalities and other partners. The results of the assessments were disseminated during two day seminar organized with Ministry of labor and social policy and representatives of municipalities.
  • Six orientation session were organized for 3 local CSOs (DROM Kumanovo, RCOR Gevgelija, SOS child`s village) as an introduction course on the refugee convention. Approximately 16 people were trained during the orientation sessions.
  • Six orientation sessions were organized for the same 3 local CSOs on the national legislation on asylum. Approximately 16 people were trained during the orientation sessions.
  • 3 seminars – round tables were organized, one on the each of the pilot municipalities with representatives of local administration, CSOs representatives and MYLA lawyers where the challenges of the integration process were discussed.
  • 3 working groups are created in each of the municipalities, 12 people are hired to prepare action plans for implementation of the integration strategy. The groups are currently working on the actions plans, and as planned in the project the plans shall be done by the end of august.
  • MYLA has signed memorandums of cooperation with the three pilot municipalities for the implementation of the project activities and for cooperation in future activities.
  • MYLA organized a seminar for representatives of MLSP, local administrations, CSOs and MYLA where the individual assessments were disseminated, the goals of the new Strategy integration were presented and the challenges and the roles of the municipalities were discussed. 32 people attended the seminar. Conclusions and recommendations were drafted and future activities were planned.
  • National expert was chosen to prepare a comprehensive assessment for the municipalities. The assessment will be prepared in English and will be disseminated in validation workshop that will be organized as a closing event in September.

MYLA maintained regular meetings with all the partners of the project (MLSP, local and administration, local CSOs) in order to organize all the activity mentioned above.

In total 518 refugees has received support and approximately 84.000 citizens were introduced with the project achievements in the period between January 1st and the end of April.

The project is funded by Norwegian Embassy in Belgrade and Group 484 and implemented by Macedonian Young Lawyers Association.


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